Saturday, November 9, 2013

More sedition wars goodies...

I only thought I was finished painting the Sedition wars miniatures for the game, but I have been buying up lots and lots of extras on eBay these past few weeks. Still have a few Kickstarter exclusives I am still looking at on eBay to complete my set .
List of minis to paint in the next few weeks are :
  • Gnosis Battle Suit Kara Black
  • Aphid Loader Barker Zosa
  • Incinerator Morgan Vade
  • Keegan Kor (Riddick)
  • Battle-Damaged Akosha
  • Vokker Dargu
  • Jade Iron Lily
  • Calamity Crew (Firefly)
  •  I will get some pictures of them up tomorrow .

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    Saturday, November 2, 2013

    Almost finished...

    Got all the vanguard all finished up. About to start on Hurley, Kara, Vade, Akosha and Zosa. Can't wait to get all these finished but will be sad there are no more to paint. I have truly enjoyed painting these guys.