Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Small (2x2) weekend project

So I had surgery on my back Friday, and have been stuck at home for the past 3 days. Got bored and started a small project of building a 2x2 small skirmish pulp city/deadzone/zombie/whatever board.
I still have a lot of details I wanna add, but the base is laid out and coming together pretty good. Let me know what you all think, leave comments below!!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Mailfaux Terror Tot update

Almost finished up with the 3 Terror tots for Malifaux, just have a few touch ups and I will call them done.

Deadzone Enforcers starter set Finished

Finished up my starter set for Mantic's Deadzone skirmish game.Sill have 5 Peace keepers and 5 support miniatures to put together and paint but this will get me started for now.


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Jade Cult Faction Finished

 Green Serpent
 Shadow Mask
 Shadow Mask and Shadow Double
Full Photo of Jade Cult faction

Monday, June 8, 2015

Been a while...

Due to a new job position at work I have been neglecting painting and updating this blog. Hopefully now that we have some new employees coming onboard I will have more time to get back to what I love to do, paint and make terrain.
So without hesitation here are a few of my latest miniatures that I have competed.

 Pulp City Yeti
 Pulp City Terror Cotta Warrior
 Pulp City Green Emperor
 Pulp City Shadow Double
4 out of the 7 figures I have for the Jade Cult Faction in Pulp City
 Malifaux Neverborn Waldgeist
 Malifaux Neverborn Poltergeist and Sorrows
Malifaux Neverborn Teddy